Bilkent University Faculty of Music and Performing Arts, Arena Theater, Ankara


Facilities           : Arena Theater for 165 spectators.
Architects        : İlhan Kural
                          Erkut Şahinbaş

Status              : Built

Date                : 1993-94

Owner             : Bilkent University

Publications    : 'Bir  Sanat  Yapısı: Bilkent Müzik      
                          Fakültesi', Arredamento      
                          Dekorasyon, no.70, Mayıs 1995,
                          sf. 82-87.

The Arena Theater is located within the Faculty of Music and Performing Arts of Bilkent.  On the ceiling of the theater (which has a a seating capacity of 165),  is a suspended space frame structure, with all the HVAC, electrical and lighting equipment passing through. The theater shares the same foyer with the concert hall.