Bilkent University Library, Ankara,


    Facilities : Library with a 600,000 books capacity

    Architects : İlhan Kural
                      Erkut Şahinbaş

    Status : Built

    Date : 1993-1995

    Owner : Bilkent University


Publications              : "AWA-  Award   Winning  Architecture
                                    1997       International      Yearbook,  
                                   'Bilkent University Main Library
                                   Annex Building', sf. 237.

                                   "Bilkent Kütüphanesi",
                                    Arredemento Dekorasyon, no.99,
                                   Aralık 1998/01, sf.106-111.

                                   Ankara Mimarlık Rehberi/
                                   Architectural Guide 2002,
                                   T.C. Kültür Bakanlığı/TSMMD,
                                   Ankara 2002, sf.179.


Awards                     : 5th National Architecture Grand
                                   Prize in Building Category.





Bilkent  Library building, with a capacity of 600,000 books, has been planned to take on the function of the existing library blocks which have became inadequate. It is located on the corner of the  lot at a very important junction within the campus.


The semicircular  form of the new library building reflects the emphasis given to these contextual determinants. It also functions very well as a library building,where the readers' tables have been placed on the circumference of the semicircle, where it gets most natural light and books stacks inside, where ease of access and control are possible. The new and the old buildings have been connected at the first floor by means of a transparent bridge over a pedestrian alley which seperates these blocks. The atrium inside the library both  connects and separates the offices and reading halls.


Emphasis has been placed on this atrium so that it reflects the grandeur of the classical library buildings, with the stairs designed and materials chosen to enhance this concept.